Poly Daydreams
Author: Catanya
I am a third in a Female, male, female Vee triad that is just starting down the road of Polyamory. My boyfriend and wife have been married for 6 years and we are all working towards moving in together in a few months. All of us are very involved in the LARPing (Live action role play) community in our area, and we also table top game whenever we can. I very much love singing, fantasy literature, and almost anything anime. I hope that I can give a happy view of a life I never dreamed of but always wanted in my heart.
All material printed here is Copyright the respective author(s).
Hopeful for the Holidays; December 15, 2007
The Cool Down; November 04, 2007
Cleaning out Closets; October 03, 2007
Hand In Hand In Hand; September 08, 2007
Poly Steps; October 26, 2009
Emotional Surprises; November 16, 2009