Here you will find a complete index of all the Monthly Columns that have been featured in our Community. These recurring articles are listed in reverse chronological order according to the dates they were published. Visit the archive of Feature Articles to read the one-time items that have been published in this community.
All material printed here is Copyright the respective author(s).
Sweet Reasons
Author: Sister Dagger
Sister Dagger is the hinge of a V-Triad, complemented by her husband Kriek and the illegitimate husband Chias. Despite the fact that she works fulltime, juggles two husbands and is mother to a wonderful son, she decided to share her wisdom and insights regarding the poly lifestyle. Here she will try to document the journey that is not only her marriage to multiple men but her life in general. Despite all of the chaos that sometimes ensues, there are always Sweet Reasons for living in a poly relationship.
Monogamy - the misunderstood lifestyle; November 21, 2006
Daybreak; November 05, 2006
I'm just not in the mood; August 21, 2006
In the Dark; July 21, 2006
Sweet Reasons; June 21, 2006