Here you will find references to polyamory that have appeared in different media outlets. These resources have not been republished as Feature Articles, but are still noteworthy. They will be listed here in their original, reverse chronological order so that the latest appear first.

A green check mark means the site appears to be functional.
A red light means the site was not there or did not respond normally. Due to the ever changing nature of the internet, it's quite possible that many of these will show a red light. Articles referenced here that are red lighted will be removed after a sufficient amount of time.

Whole lotta love - June 14, 2007; 

Loving More Than One - April 03, 2007; Psychology Today 

Polyamory: Moving beyond the love triangle - March 07, 2007 

CNN Special Report on Polyamory - February 11, 2007 

How do I love thee? And thee? And thee? - February 08, 2007 

Not Too Emo - January 31, 2007 

New Book Dares To Ask: Can Jealousy Be a Path to Unconditional Love? - January 30, 2007 

Two Moms & A Dad Ruling Cheered, Assailed - January 04, 2007 

Unfaithful? No, I just have too much love for one man - December 7, 2006 

Therapy with Clients Who Are Bisexual and Polyamorous - December 2, 2006 

Robyn Trask on the Steve Douglas Show - November 17, 2006 

Husbands And Wife - November 15, 2006 

Love by the numbers; Polyamorists say multiple relationships work best for them - November 12, 2006 

What sort of marriage lets a husband take on lovers? - November 7, 2006 

Women in Love; a review - November 3, 2006 

The Confession; Have same-sex-marriage advocates said too much? - October 31, 2006 

Marriage: changing, but constant - October 22, 2006 

LUST LIFE; Polyamory - October 18, 2006 

Things Polyamorous People Should Know - October 12, 2006 

What About Poly? - Commentary: OutRight - September 28, 2006 

Unconventional Marriage On The Radio - An interview done on CJSW 90.9 FM, the campus radio station of the University of Calgary; September 22, 2006 

Harry Reid's crusade against polygamy - September 19, 2006 

Sex, Lies and Cyberspace - September 08, 2006 

Save Our Poly Family - August 30, 2006 

Children of 'plural families' to rally - August 10, 2006 

What can top sliced bread? - July 30, 2006 

Two mommies and a daddy - July 25, 2006 

Heather has two mommies…and three daddies - May 29, 2006 

Utah's Bigamy Law Upheld - May 17, 2006 

The Polyamory Interviews: Tess and Otis - May 11, 2006 

Family affair - May 01, 2006 

Let's Get (Meta) Physical - April 27, 2006 

What Big Love teaches about marriage and jealousy. - April 21, 2006 

Two in a marriage is enough - April 17, 2006 

Three's Company - April 14, 2006 

Gay, polyamorous, and proud! - April 12, 2006 

Free Love Grows Up - April 06, 2006

Were Smith’s Mormons Ahead of Their Times? - April 03, 2006

Hers, hers, his and hers - April 02, 2006

How to share a lover - March 31, 2006

Is an "open relationship" a wise decision? - March 30, 2006

Let's get Big Love cancelled - March 30, 2006

Don't Do Unto Others; The difference between gay marriage and polygamy. - March 23, 2006

The New Monogamy: Cheating by the Rules? - March 15, 2006

I pronounce you man and wife, wife, wife - March 09, 2006

A marriage of many? - February 24, 2006 

I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do; The economic case for polygamy. - February 18, 2006

The Cuddle Puddle of Stuyvesant High School - February 06, 2006
