Pride of Lions
Though she’s new to poly lifestyles and still adjusting to the terminology, one might call Heidel’s living arrangement a poly-fidelitous closed triad, though she prefers to just call it her pride. Prior to discovering poly lingo, that’s what she called her family: a pride of lions. Heidel’s pride consists of one other beautiful woman, one gorgeous man, three sons, two stepsons, a step-baby on the way, one very, very old pitbull named Jones, two snakes, a bunch of lizards and toads, and one ham-eating Eastern box turtle named Gary. Heidel writes from Central California.
All material printed here is Copyright the respective author(s).
New Year, Old Love; December 30, 2007
A Love Reborn; November 22, 2007
And Baby Makes Nine; October 27, 2007
A Year and a Day; September 25, 2007
Being the Third; August 21, 2007
Alone Time; July 24, 2007
Same Old Questions; June 23, 2007
"Mom, Dad. I’m poly." ; May 21, 2007
A Love Story; April 21, 2007