Here you will find a complete index of all the Monthly Columns that have been featured in our Community. These recurring articles are listed in reverse chronological order according to the dates they were published. Visit the archive of Feature Articles to read the one-time items that have been published in this community.
All material printed here is Copyright the respective author(s).
Maya's Mayhem
Author: Maya
Maya is the hingepoint in a MFM V-triad that currently maintains a long-distance-relationship element. Her partners are Zuke, to whom she's legally married and in a relationship with for a total of 13 years and Kai, whom she's known for 18 years and in a relationship with for about 1.5 years. Maya and Zuke have 3 children and Kai has 2 from a previous marriage. With the ups, downs, distance and juggling -- this is Maya's Mayhem.
Challenges; September 28, 2006
Thoughts from a non poly; August 30, 2006
Distance Makes the Heart...; July 20, 2006
Making Every Minute Count; June 21, 2006
The New Poly-LDR; May 21, 2006