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Amber aka Rebelrose6907-09-2008 16:02 [E,W]
WOW. I read your article yesterday and I felt like I had written it. Everything you acknowledged were, once I truly looked deep inside, exactly what I was feeling or fearful of. Last night my husband and I had a lengthy discussion about poly and my feelings and, although I still have those feelings and fears at this point, I know his side and that it has nothing to do with his lack of love or interest for me. Thanks for a wonderfully written article that truly spoke to me.
Alan07-01-2007 18:48 [E,W]
Wow, it sounds like you're all prepped to go for it indeed. Having done all this work and self-analysis, you're probably right that the way to know now is to try.

I've heard of a couple locally in which the woman had a life-long weight self-image problem, and their first cautious step into poly was for him to date women who were heavier than her. (Apparently they had no problem finding sympathetic poly interests here in the Boston community). It seems to have worked for them.
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