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Danny11-17-2007 22:14 [E,W]
I'm new to polyamory, having brought it up with my partner a month or so ago, and his response is almost exactly like "Sue's", that he's 'just not wired that way.' We've agreed to stay together but he says when I do develop feelings for someone else I'll have to choose because he doesn't want to see me with anyone else, it makes him feel like he's had a 'demotion' in his words. I find myself feeling rejected, hopeless, and even a bit numb as a result, like he's not prepared to meet me halfway. This article sounds very rational and expresses my thoughts almost exactly, but how do I go on, being in "Mike's" shoes? I met someone I liked, I've stopped that relationship from developing further for my partner's sake, I've tried to stay open and honest and in communication, and while I love my partner deeply, I just feel hopeless.
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