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mmkeekah11-06-2007 02:06 [E,W]
I cried at two parts - when you realized that adjusting your attitude from what you were missing to what you could be a part happened... and when the mom and dad accepted you so lovingly.

Girl you are so lucky... and so are your spouses. please do not lose this lessons - they are so valuable. I wish my ex-girlfriend could've found your wisdom. Please know I will take your lesson with me from now on. Thank you!
Pearl8110-29-2007 16:12 [E,W]
Thanks so much for sharing this. I am the pregnant wife in our little "V," and it was really great to see how another family is dealing with the changes and emotional issues that come with this major life event. I forwarded it to GF and I'm sure she'll enjoy reading it, too. :)
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