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FireGod05-11-2007 14:59 [E,W]
I wait with baited breath as you continue to infom us of your kinky journey
05-08-2007 02:49 [E,W]
Thank y'all for the feedback. I would love to hear back from my readers.

Rhianon05-07-2007 19:02 [E,W]
Piece of cake!! Good job and keep up the good work! Or BAD work as the case may be ... he he
PhD05-07-2007 02:12 [E,W]
Thanks for this article and for starting this column. I'm into spanking but my girlfriend is reluctant to hit me. She watches my husband do it and I could tell it amuses her but she wouldn't want to participate. I appreciate you giving ways to help ease my girlfriend into kink. Thanks!
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