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Rhianon02-14-2007 03:21 [E,W]
This is a wonderful thing to share with everyone. Wisdom like this should be given to everyone who has children regardless of relationship status. You all are an amazing family and I admire you greatly, I hope you know that.
Alan02-13-2007 18:32 [E,W]

My hat is off in awe. If I ever had a pile of kids I'd want you to raise them.

> With the oldest children under our roof
> about to enter high school, we feel we
> are on the verge of the most insanely
> hectic years of our life

Our experience was the middle school years were the craziest. Their brains do mature in the later teens. Looks like you're certainly helping that process. I'd give odds that your success rate in turning out first-rate adults will be 9 for 9, or in any case WAY above the statistical average.

Another thing to look forward to. The older they get, they more their outcomes are their own doing.

--Alan, with kids 17 and 20
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